Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Learn How to Write Short Letter Proposal for Small Business Grants

Canada government grants can provide funding for different types of projects or business proposals. So, whether you need ,000 or 0,000, the federal government of Canada and its funding institutions and agencies will surely have the right small business grants for you. In fact, there are entrepreneurs who were given more 0,000 up to million for large business expansion. But if you are just starting to seek grants from the government, then you will have better chances of success if you go for small one time grants. For this reason, you have to know how to write short letter proposal instead of writing full project proposals.

Learning how to write short letter proposals is very important if the scale of your project is small. For example, if you simply need ,000 for the purchase of small equipment, then writing a full project proposal will just be a waste of time. Besides, small business grants reviewers will categorize your application based on the scale of the project and will expect that you will submit a short letter proposal. You will also be given a free application form for getting micro funding through Canada government grants. So with the short letter proposal and the application form, your funding request can already move forward. Your task therefore would be simpler and less complicated.

So how do you write a short letter proposal in order to get Canada government grants? First, a letter proposal should not exceed three pages. The letter should include most of the major elements of a full project proposal but the content should be very concise. That is why some business owners find it hard to write letter proposals. You need to write a strong and well articulated letter in just a few paragraphs. So you should never underestimate the level of difficulty in writing short letter proposals. You have to spend time composing such letter to make it more forceful and compelling. But once you grasp the essentials of writing letter proposals for small business grants, then you will be able to send more small scale funding requests to several government agencies, departments, and financing institutions.

Basically, the flow of information on the letter proposal should also follow the format of full project proposal. But because you are writing a letter, the tone can be a little informal but not casual. You still have to follow the tone of a standard business letter. First, you should convey your request for small business grants. Then describe your project or the purpose for the grant in a very concise manner.

You should also include the reasons why you need Canada government grants and briefly provide information about the capabilities of your company in implementing the project. A short budget matrix should be included in the letter. If your budget projection will not fit into a single page, then it would be best to make it as an attachment. These are the basics of writing short letter proposal. If there are other documentations that are needed, then make sure that you will attach it to your letter request for government grant.

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